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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Our Life Thus Far

Hey y'all just thought you would like to be updated on how we here are doing in the thriving Metropolis of Buena Vista. Mariel and I are doing great. We are working hard and hardly working. Ok, the last part isn't true. We are both doing well in school. Mariel is working hard on her senior paper. I am working hard going to school and earning some money so we can live. I currently work at PCR, a call center where I get to call seniors in areas, mainly Utah, Texas, Illinois, and Ohio, and offer them Diabetic testing supplies, braces for back, knee, and ankles, and also a Personal Emergency Device. I really enjoy the people I work with and the job isn't half bad either. We are loving the fact that we get to work together in decision making processes and learning more and more about each other every single day. We are coming up on three months of being married, and thus far we both agree that being married to each other is the greatest blessing we will ever have.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


Dude guys,

Today we got the ring back. Its really exciting! its all sized and stuff! Its honestly kinda wierd to have it fit all the way down my finger. But I'm really really really excited that it actually fits. :) love you all lots :) xoxo

Monday, April 13, 2009

Inch by Inch...Row by Row

Well a lot has happened. We called the temple and got a date. We also went last saturday and registered at JCPenney. it was exciting. Erik and I got to play with scanner guns and he tried to scan me...lots of times....bad erik. was fun. look forward to registering its great!

The Engagement story!!!


yeah....anyways. So everyone wants to know the story of how Erik and I got engaged :) so, by public demand, here you all go.

So Friday was my birthday and Erik asked me what I wanted to do Saturday night for my romantic dinner. He told me we could go anywhere for dinner and he would pay. I told him that I would LOVE a picnic under the stars.

So Saturday after the Choir Concert, I was really excited about our starry night picnic. The weather was perfect and the skies were clear. We drove through Applebee's and got food to go. I asked Erik if we could get changed and he said no that we were to stay dressed up for the nice dinner. .....i was in my choir dress...if ya'll have ever been in one of those, you can't move. seriously.
Erik stuck in a CD that had some of our songs on it. It was totally romantic. I asked him what the title was (because I love christening my mix CD's with wild and fun names). he told me he wasn't going to tell me......ooook (?)

After Erik let me change into my other really pretty blue sparkly dress and we started to drive up to the parkway. The smells of our dinner were killing me as we drove up to the lookout on Buena Vista. As we got nearer, I saw what looked like a fire. I was a little worried that someone had started a fire (which is a no-no on the Blue Ridge parkway), but as we got closer i saw that surrounding a basket, special dessert and blanket, were candles ready for our romantic picnic.
I was totally melting already that Erik had taken care of every detail to make this the perfect night. We got the food out on the blanket and I was wanting to EAT! **now...everyone knows that erik loves food and doesn't waste time to eat. keep this in mind**
anyways, I was ready to eat...and I was hungry. but Erik wanted to just chill and look at the stars**
so we did(after me losing the debate of food vs. stars)
as we gazed up into the stars, erik asked me
ERIK"you remember when you asked me what the title of the CD was? "
MARIEL: "yeah..."
ERIK" I decided its going to be called 'Eternal Lover'"
MARIEL "awww...thats so sweet and romantic"

**it was at this point that he turned to me, pulled out the ring, got on his knee**
ERIK "will you be my Eternal lover?"

yeah....then we sat marinating in the sweet moment. We called our folks and a few others. It was then that we noticed that there was a meteor shower that night that just took my breath away (ok we are talking HUGE meteor shower with giant streaks across the sky with big tails and everything)

I guess Erik told Hannah and David to come and take pictures after it happened (thus why the re-enactment pictures) because MArlies told him that she wished she had pics of her engagement. But since they hadn't heard from us for a while, they just drove up and jumped out of the car hootin and hollerin

This is the funny part

when I got up to greet hannah, she ran full gallop and jumped on me. Unfortunately her knee hit the side of my head with FULL FORCE! I passed out for a few nanoseconds while she was jumping on me screaming "congratulations! congratulations" She was so excited...but i told her to wait to congratulate me until i stopped being concussed :> I have a great gooseegg for that lolololol

anyways, hannah and david took some awesome pics and I had the best night of my life.

So thats the story. Candlelit picnic under a meteor shower and the perfect proposal. I am so happy...SO SO SO Happy!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Marriage is Official

So hey guys... Just was thinking about it and forgot to put on here the details of when and where Mariel and I are getting married. 

Last week, if I remember right it was last thursday, Mariel and I called the temple to schedule the most wonderful thing we will do in our lives.  So here are the details

On July 31st of 2009 Mariel and I will be wed for time and all
eternity in the Manti, Utah temple.

The sealing is scheduled to be at 10:30 am.  Mariel and I need to be there at 9:30 am and all of our invited guests will need to be there at 10:00 am.

We have a list of those who we want coming and we are getting close to the limit of 50 people in the sealing room that we have reserved.

Just wanted to keep y'all informed.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

First Post

So hey y'all this is Erik and Mariel's blog to keep people informed on everything that is going on in their lives.